

Welcome to Monkii. Below you can find all the legal information about our company.

General Information

  • Company Name: Company Name Sai Vision GmbH (later: Monkii GmbH)
  • Address: Zschochersche Str. 38, 04229 Leipzig, Germany
  • Represented By: Anne-Katrin Stenzel (later: AKS and Joel Vasen)

Contact Information

Registration Information

  • Commercial Register: Amtsgericht 04275 Leipzig
  • Register Number: HRB 25222

Early Access Disclaimer

The Monkii is currently in its early stages of development and is accessible only to a select group of users (friends and family) by invitation for the sole purpose of testing, development, and improvement. This access is provided under specific terms and conditions to ensure the confidentiality and security of the ongoing development. The platform is not yet available to the general public and is not subject to full commercial and regulatory standards applicable to fully operational platforms.